Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I am Sorry!!!

   Precisely 12hours back I was wide awake and was watching Brazil getting massacred by German team in the world cup semifinal. I put out an FB post asking whether the match was happening in UP, and I thought nothing of it.
   Today one person told me that the post is in a very bad taste. This made me think and I realised that actually I did the same thing that I keep complaining. I was insensitive and casually joking about the most heinous crime in the world. I am man enough to admit that I have committed a sin. It is as inexcusable as actually committing the crime. I know I should apologise, but will it make any difference??
   I just realised that, all the time I have stood up for unknown women in the buses or malls or just about anywhere, doesn't count at all. My one post has wiped all of that! 
   I realised that I too am part of the problem. All the candle light vigils, all the protests, all the things I do to support the victims, doesn't count at all.
   Just am feeling so ashamed of myself that words fail to express the disgust that I am feeling for myself right now!! I think I must SHUT up and just say I am SORRY!!!


Patavardhan, Praveen said...

Hey Ajay...

I did like the one you posted yesterday on FB. Now should I also say a sorry ?? ;) :)

Jokes apart....
With due respects to whoever said the post was of bad taste, I feel generally the freedom of speech for a common man can be found only on his personal space - FB, Twitter, YouTube etc and not on MSM. So it is okay to have some taunt or whatever. It need not be considered as an offence

Having said that the vulgarity to the core cannot be accepted though and I did not see that vulgarity in yours. :) :)

Now the question again I did like the one you posted yest on FB. Now should I also say a sorry ?? :) :)

The reason I am asking this is, say a person made a cheap joke in a public meeting and there were 'n' number of people around and those people have laughed fully and clapped for the joke; Now if we make the person who cracked the joke as responsible..why not people around??

AjAy said...

Hey Praveen,
I just wrote what I felt! George Bernand Shaw said and I too like and believe, "Your freedom ends where my nose begins" So is freedom of expression! I believe that I should judge myself by the same standards I set for others. I am nobody to say whether you should apologise or not and I don't expect it.
There are many a times when we do something which feels right at that time and retrospectively when we look back, we feel, OMG! Did I really do that!
I felt this was a case for me! I also say, please don't kill the messenger, the person just pointed it was in bad taste and it was his/her opinion. I could have taken it or dismissed it. I chose to do the former, because I felt so.
Now coming back to your question, my answer is I am nobody to ask you to do anything like that. I felt what I said was vulgar and that is why I chose to apologise.