Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jai Sri Ram...

I was reading through my friend’s blogpost the other day and felt I should also write about it. Was held up with a little work and the words just wouldn’t take shape in the mind. But now….

 Firstly as an answer to what The Mad Hatter (I actually have no idea why he chose that pseudo name, but I am assuming it is because he is someone who wears all the de Bono Hats, and wears them quite intelligently) says, Sri Ram would have approved. Now before people get me wrong, I have some things to add.

n      Sri Ram’s army (Sene, Sena whatever) was that of monkeys (no disrespect intended).

n      Sri Ram was the person who asked Mata Sita to give agni pariksha.

 So IMAO, the Sri Rama Sene would do nothing but whatever monkeys do best, and also it has to be the women folk who disrespect INDIAN CULTURE by pubbing.

 There is a lot of talk about western culture influencing young people, pubbing culture being rampant etc. etc. by many so called protectors of the Indian culture. I have but a simple question to these people, what do you mean by culture? These people have no respect for anything and they call themselves protectors! J Anyways, as the hatter puts it, it is probably the Fatwa envy that has been the cause of all these recent bad and petty quarrels.

 Why is it that everyone wants to tell us what we should and should not?

n      There are these religious fanatics who will define the ways we pray.

n      There is this minister who tells us what to eat and what to drink.

n      There are censor board people who will decide what should go into a movie and what is not appropriate.

n      There are these so called moral police who will decide what we should wear.

n      Then there are some commentators who have not played a single test and commenting on a Sachin, Ganguly and Dravid’s batting.

There are lot many more than I could care to write. Is it that all of us are retarded (I guess that is the correct word), that we always need someone to think for us.

This is to all of us…..

PS: All the opinions are my own and I think I am entitled to it as is anyone else to theirs. Just for the record I am not a Hindu basher or a leftist or a right winger or a pseudo secularist and my political inclining and my religion is my own choice and I need not make a public statement on it!! J