I have had people telling me all my life to "let go"!
I read someplace "If you want to be at peace, if you want to feel the love of God in your heart, if you want to savor the present moment, then just let go of all the constraints you have put upon yourself.”
It is so simple, is it not? Yes to someone who says, it is, but to practice what you preach, is it that simple??
All these years,
· I have held on to my desires.
· I have held on to what I thought I needed.
· I have held on to whatever promised me happiness.
· I have held on to my possessions.
· I have held on to my image of who I am.
· I have held on to my ideas of what is right.
· I have held on to my theories.
· I have held on to my beliefs.
· I have held on to my attitudes.
· I have held on to my judgments.
· I have held on to the past.
· I have held on to the future.
· I have held on to relationships.
· I have held on to material things.
· I have held on to my grievances.
· I have held on to my fears.
· I have held on to my loves.
· I have held on to my lovers.
· I have held on to money.
· I have held on to my thoughts.
· I have held on to my illusions.
· I have held on to memories.
· Last, but not the least, I have held on to my life.
It all depends, I feel, some ropes are necessary to hold, but many others can and should be let go.
Past couple of weeks has been a real eye-opener of sorts and I have figured out some of the ropes that I have to let go. I am now feeling more liberated and at peace with myself.
I do not have a constant turmoil inside me.
I smile a lot, not the superficial smile I always wear, but a genuine smile.
I am not fighting myself over things I do not like, but still have to do.
I am not frustrated if things do not go my way.
For those of you who know me well, I have got missed calls in the night! Yes, I have slept and did not pick up the calls. For those of who don’t know me so well, I have a bad habit of picking up any call I get, even when I am asleep, I wake up to receive that call, even if my phone just vibrates! JEarlier, the only time I have not picked up calls was when I was medicated to sleep!
So I guess it helps to let go, but not all the things....
:)Seems so heartfelt
Thank you!!
It was from the heart!!
many ropes will not come under our control I think v have to let them free..........
Very true and well said!!
I am trying to, but I know it will take some time for me to fully accept the reality of it all!
Thanks for the visit!!
so true... if we dont move on we'l never know what was waiting around the corner.. but on a more personal note.. Im so glad you can really smile again considering the ups n downs involved :)
It is coz I have friends like you that I can still smile. Thanks a ton for the words and more!!
Smile! is all u need bro...a genuine one, all the time...work ur way towards it, all the time! :)
U know me well Kuttans, I'll do it and I am sure I'll succeed, coz I have good friends like you around me always!!
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