Precisely 12hours back I was wide awake and was watching Brazil getting massacred by German team in the world cup semifinal. I put out an FB post asking whether the match was happening in UP, and I thought nothing of it.
Today one person told me that the post is in a very bad taste. This made me think and I realised that actually I did the same thing that I keep complaining. I was insensitive and casually joking about the most heinous crime in the world. I am man enough to admit that I have committed a sin. It is as inexcusable as actually committing the crime. I know I should apologise, but will it make any difference??
I just realised that, all the time I have stood up for unknown women in the buses or malls or just about anywhere, doesn't count at all. My one post has wiped all of that!
I realised that I too am part of the problem. All the candle light vigils, all the protests, all the things I do to support the victims, doesn't count at all.
Just am feeling so ashamed of myself that words fail to express the disgust that I am feeling for myself right now!! I think I must SHUT up and just say I am SORRY!!!