This is a Latin phrase, simply translated means, "Who will guard the guards?".
This was a question put across to Socrates, when he described the perfect society. According to him, the main character of the work, relies on laborers, slaves and tradesmen. The guardian class is to protect the city. So the question was Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Plato has a unique answer, he says and I quote "They will guard themselves against themselves. We must tell the guardians a noble lie. The noble lie will inform them that they are better than those they serve and it is therefore their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege, they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it."
Well, this is the question that has arisen in my mind time and again!! Today morning, I felt the need to answer this question. I was on my way to the office in an auto. We were waiting at a signal even though it was green. I learnt during my school days that green in traffic signal means you have to go. Maybe it has changed over the period of time. I don't know.
Anyways coming back to what I was saying, I saw a policeman (I think he was one as he was wearing the uniform of one), who held up the traffic and was signaling the vehicles from the other lanes to move. There was no Ambulance in any of those lanes, nor was there a VIP coming (Oh ya, we have to make way for them, after all they are our rulers). Why did he do that?? I have no idea. Maybe he had a bad morning at home or maybe someone pissed him from our line. I dunno!!
So I come back to the question again!! Who will take him to task for eccentrically holding up the traffic??
This is not an isolated incident! How many of us have been caught by the traffic police and for no reason harassed endlessly till we pay him a little something?? How many of us can fearlessly walk into a police station to report that our cell phone or vehicle is stolen??
Can we lodge a case against our leaders and sleep peacefully??
I dunno, maybe I am asking for too much but these questions are in my mind.....
Getting a job in Netherlands
7 years ago